Yesterday I had the fortunate experience of being interviewed for a local television spot on "Someone you should know." A local news anchor, Diana Henry, did the interview, and a story about LemonSpark will appear in the August issue of Brava Magazine and on Channel 27 WKOW in Madison sometime in August.
Interviewing on camera is not something I have ever done, much less on a frequent basis. After the camera stopped rolling, I started thinking about all the things I should have said and wanted to say, but couldn't think of at the moment I had the chance to same them on camera. Self criticism has ensued.
I'd like to think that I am not the only person who beats themselves up in reviewing the past. I know that when people experience life's lemons, they may have a tendency to blame themselves and replay the events in their mind wishing they had done something different along the way.
The hard truth, however, is that we can't change the past. I think that the less you have control over a situation, the more that the outcome was meant to be - a sign, if you will. Accepting the past for what it is, regardless of your role in it, is the best gift you can give yourself. There will likely be enough other people in your life who are less willing to forgive, less willing to see you in a larger context and less willing to believe in you and your choices until you do so yourself, first. So please, forgive yourself and look forward to self-improvement.